Role of Localization in the Ecommerce Industry

The ecommerce industry is thriving today based on the consumer preferences. Not only does this ecommerce model suit business but consumers also prefer to shop online. With detailed descriptions, reviews, and product images it is easy to be sure of what we are buying. Furthermore, with website localization services, ecommerce businesses get to localize their ecommerce websites that provide personalized products to the audiences. It helps online businesses give a personal and native experience to their target consumers. But don’t forget, website localization is not the only tool that has accelerated the demand of these businesses. There is ease of buying online and then comes the benefit of staying home. However, website localization stands as a powerful tool.

In this read, we are going to unravel the role of website localization in this ecommerce industry. 

Global Ecommerce Industry

The worldwide e-commerce sector brought in over $6 trillion in 2024. In 2024, this industry broke all of its prior records. By 2028, this figure is predicted to rise to $8 trillion. The primary cause of the surge in e-commerce is COVID-19. It was the pandemic that shunned us to our homes and restricted our daily life activities. One of these activities is to go shopping. This pandemic was just one of the driving factors behind the rise of ecommerce business because advancements in technology have also enabled online shopping. Without busy schedules, we hardly find time to spend with our loved ones and now going shopping seems a surplus, very few find time for it.

So here ecommerce businesses with their ease of buying with just a click from our smartphones and getting home delivery. With product reviews and live images, it has become very easy to trust even a new ecommerce business which plays a vital role in the success of this sector.

Website Localization

Taking a website and turning it into a native and personalized one for the target audiences is the ultimate work of website localization. It doesn’t mean mere translation of the website, but it is completely adaptable for the audience. Hence, with website localization services, websites are localized and are correlated with the cultural inclusions of the target audience. Hence, whatever your website represents, website localization it is according to the needs and demands of the target audiences.

We have examples of Netflix and Airbnb right in front of us, and they have effectively used website localization to make sure that they offer what the audiences are looking for. For instance, Airbnb localized their whole website in Arabic and made sure that they are what the audience wants.

There is a whole team that looks over website translation and ensures accuracy in the task from the very start.  Such websites can do wonders for your business.

How Website Localization is Helping Ecommerce Businesses?

Let’s explain the connection between website localization and ecommerce business with the following stats. More than 72% of the consumers buy products whose information is in their own language. You must be thinking that translation can help these businesses so why should localization be the most demanded too? The thing is that the product information and their description need to resonate with the needs and culture of the audience so that they think that the product is made for them. By hiring translators from professional website translation services, this image will make the audience browse your website more and more and they will result in buying. 

According to LISA (Localization Industry Standards Association), on average every €1 invested in localizing your website generates €25 in return. This simply demonstrates how effective website localization is for your website. In order to make sure that your business communicates effectively with the locals, it is necessary to make shopping a totally local and personalized experience. As language plays a key role in human communication, localization of your websites ensures that the words used are not only in the native language of the audience but also culturally acceptable for them.

With the help of professional website translation services, you also get SEO benefits. In this way, local keywords are targeted especially those that the audience is using frequently. So when the audience searches for that keyword, your website lands in the first place. The more the ranking of your website on Google, the more the audience will be prompted to look at your business. And in the long run, this mere browsing will result in the buying of products.

The way website localization caters to the visuals and graphics of your website is beyond words. Hence, it is made sure that the used imagery isn’t offensive or disrespectful to the target audiences. Payment options are also localized so that there isn’t any error when consumers are heading towards checkout. Date formats, symbols, and currencies are also localized. So when the user opens your website it contains all the features that relate to their culture.

Final Words!

To sum up, website localization helps in making a website completely localized for the target audiences. With this tool, ecommerce businesses can increase their reach and visibility in the market and generate more revenue. These localized websites give localized and personal experience to the audiences creating a positive image of your brand in the eyes of the audience.

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