Exercises to Prevent Hernia: Strengthen Your Core and Stay Healthy

The term hernia describes a condition wherein muscle, tissue or an organ bulges or pushes through the interconnected tissue or muscle. Obviously, heavy weight lifting or being genetically predisposed can increase the chances of hernia but core stability and muscular strength can considerably lower the risk. This article recommends some suitable exercises to preclude hernia and maintain a strong and robust body. 

What Do You Mean By A Hernia? 

It is utmost important to comprehend the term hernia before indulging into the exercises. Muscular imbalance, too great a strain or incorrect posture may result in hernia which frequently happens in the abdomen, diaphragm and groin areas. Coughing, lifting heavy objects or standing for too long often results in pain while these activities may also be accompanied by a bulge. 

Benefits of Exercise for Prevention of Hernia

Doing the right kinds of exercise on a regular basis can:

  • Tighten muscles in pelvis and abdomen. 
  • Improve posture in the body so that vulnerable areas do not get stressed too much. 
  • Increase the movement in the body so that muscles do not get injured unexpectedly. 
  • Reduce pressure in the abdomen through maintaining a good weight. 

Key Exercises to Prevent Hernia 

  1. Pelvic Tilts

Tilted pelvises aim to furnish abdominals, crucial in preventing weakness that result in hernia formation. 

How To Work On It :

  1. Bend your knees and lay on your back while keeping your feet flat on the ground.
  2. Focus on engaging your core muscles while simultaneously retracting the lower back against the floor.  
  3. Maintain the hold for roughly 5-10 seconds before manually releasing it.  
  4. Repeat the same for about 10-12 times.  
  5. Plank Holds  

Shoulders, glutes, abs, erectors, and many other body parts can benefit from doing the plank since it is an excellent exercise for core development.  

Primary steps to follow:  

You must start by being in a push-up position with your body weight resting on your forearms and toes.  

Try restricting the full length of your body from your head to your heels into a straight line.  

Increase your hold time by 10-15 seconds over time to keep building strength in your body.  

  1. Leg Slides  

Leg slides involve a more controlled movements and enhance the lower structural belly muscles without having to apply too force on the body.  

How to Perform:  

  1. Lie down so that your back is completely against the floor. Bend your knees while making sure that your feet are parallel to the floor.  
  2. Carefully extend and slide one of your legs while keeping your core muscles to work in a motion similar to a straight action.  
  3. Once accomplished, move to the other leg and perform the same movements for 10-15 times.  
  4. Wall Sits  

Wall sits are also a good addition to build up core strength alongside overall enhancement in leg muscles.  

How to Perform:  

  1. Wal sits enable stabilization of the full lower body including the core and leg muscles through supporting posture. Position your back against the wall and descend lower so that your knees bend at a 90 degree angle.  
  2. Use your core muscle to tighten the lower body and stay in the same position for 20-30 seconds for three to five sessions.  
  3. Breathing Exercises  

Controlled breathing is also greatly recommended for recovery since it eases the load put on the weak muscles by strengthening the diaphragm and abdominal area.

How to Doing : 

  1. Sit or lie down comfortably 
  2. Wrapping one hand on the chest and the other on their stomach 
  3. Take a deep breath focusing on pushing the abdominal area, taking it slow. 
  4. Exhaling should take a longer duration too. Repeat this for a duration of five minutes. 

Precautions While Exercising   

  • Minimize the heavy drawers: This is to prevent straining of the abdominal muscles due to picking items or anything related wrongly. 
  • Warm and cool your activity: Always remember to warm your body first before engaging in an activity and some light stretching after has never hurt.
  • Listen to your body: Discomfort or pain should be reason enough for an activity of any nature to be halted and one should consult with either a physician or a health professional. 

Suggestions to stop hernia 

  • Keep body weight under control: Extra weight worsens the pressure in the abdomen. 
  • Lifting work on proper technique’s: When carrying items bending the knees and tightening some of your stomach is a good idea. 
  • Drink sufficient fluids: Muscle hydration is important for elasticity and function. 


The occurrence of hernia can be done easily by exercise that increases the muscular strength of the abdomen and the structures surrounding the navel. Make use of the suggested exercised alongside other practice of living healthy. Always ask for best hernia surgeon in delhi advice before commencing with any new exercise routine, chairs or otherwise in the event of having suffered from hernia or in any other medically relevant condition 

It is possible to minimize the occurrence of hernia by concentrating on the relevant exercise and being active by maintaining a proper balance of healthy eating.

If you are suffering for hernia you can contact Dr. Kapil Agrawal at Habilite Clinics, one of the best hospital for laparacopic and bariatric surgery in Delhi. 

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